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Toxic build-up in the liver can cause a host of problems
that aren't that hard to address once you know
the liver just needs a little help...

  Pamela Levin, R.N.
  Copyyright 2013
  All Rights Reserved
Pamela Levin is an R.N., an award-winning nutritional journalist and author with 500+ post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. In private practice 42 years, she has worked extensively and effectively with female hormone issues and has shared her expertise with colleagues and lay audiences in 10 countries and four continents. 

The liver does over 500 different jobs.  One of them is cleaning every drop of blood as it pumps through, 24 hours a day 7 days a week for each person's entire lifespan.  Little wonder it gets tired sometimes, and even less surprising that it sometimes needs a little help to get its job done. These times are most likely to occur during the four seasonal transitions in spring, summer, fall and winter, as that's when the body does some seasonal 'housecleaning.'

Here are ten signs that the liver may be temporarily overloaded, and therefore needs some detoxing support:

1.     Bad breath;
2.     Skin rashes, psoriasis, eczema, boils, acne, moles, age spots and skin tags;
3.     Digestive problems, such as bloating, gassiness and or flatulence;
4.     Constipation, because the liver releases substances that stimulate bowel emptying;
5.     Chemical sensitivities;
6.     Allergies;
7.     Blood sugar issues (the liver helps regulate blood sugar levels) such as getting shaky, weak, grouchy or aggressive if a meal is delayed, feeling like taking a nap after eating a large meal; waking during the night ;
8.      Cholesterol problems, including high or imbalanced (the liver produces some 80% of total cholesterol);
9.      Blood abnormalities, especially blood clots (can indicate sluggish liver);
10.    Hormone imbalances, especially estrogen dominance for men, women and children.

If these symptoms spark recognition, a great place to start cleansing is to drink the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon  to increase intak whole food vitamin C intake. 

Also, the addition of fresh garlic to the diet will provide increased sulfer so the  liver can bettercomplete  Phase I and Phase II detoxification. Those two dietary strategies alone may be sufficient. 

If not, it's time to work with a holistic health professional. Because they are experienced with liver cleansing protocols, their guidance can prevent a massive detox reaction while providing maximum liver cleansing results.

Liver function is central to female hormone balance because the liver is responsible for both conjugating (activating) and breaking down every hormonal molecue. That's why an entire section is devoted to it in the Natural Female Hormone Care online lesson series. For more information, go here: [Affiliate product link] [Your Clickbank link]

Tags: toxins in the body body toxins body toxin detoxify your body how to detoxify your body fatigue causes what causes fatigue tired all the timel


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