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Hormone Balance - Is She Missing These Three Crucial Elements?

                                                                                                                                               Pamela Levin, R.N.
                                                                                                                                                Copyright 2013
                                                                                                                                                 All Rights Reserved

Pamela Levin is an R.N., an award-winning nutritional journalist and author with 500+ post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. In private practice 42 years, she has worked extensively and effectively with female hormone issues and has shared her expertise with colleagues and lay audiences in 10 countries and four continents. 

Because they are the chemical messengers that literally run her body, hormones are at the very core, not just of her health, but of having any health at all! It's a fact - without those little chemicals constantly adjusting things, ultimately it would be bye-bye to her!

That's why it's essential to keep her body supplied with what it needs to make them.

In attempting to do so, it's easy to get lost in a lot of details about exactly what she should eat and not eat, until she stresses out trying to figure out how to supply her body so it doesn't stress out!

But it's just not that complicated.  Here are the three elements necessary to supply her body with what it needs to make various hormones: 

1.      minerals, 

2.      vitamins, and 

3.      enzymes. 

Here's are some examples:

Minerals: Each hormone actually has a mineral in its center which activates it.  For example,

Thyroid: Her thyroid requires a sufficient quantity and quality of iodine to form the hormone thyroxin.  Then, it requires the mineral selenium to activate it.

Pancreas: Her pancreas requires the trace minerals zinc and chromium to make insulin to control her blood sugar.

Ovaries: Sex steroid hormones require vitamin E, selenium and fat-soluble vitamin factors as precursors. They depend on copper and boron to carry out estrogen production.

Pituitary: Hormone production depends on manganese and vitamin E.

Parathyroid: This hormone requires calcium because it controls its distribution in the body, and in turn, they both depend on Vitamin D.

Enzymes: They are the third ingredient – essential because they make trace elements and vitamins available so they can be manufactured into hormones.  They are organic catalysts formed by living cells yet are capable of acting independently of the cells producing them.  They can induce chemical changes in other substances without changing themselves in the process.

Enzymes are specific in their action.  Some enzymes break down carbohydrates, while others break down fats or proteins.  Each has an optimum temperature at which it acts with greatest efficiency.  Thus an enzyme's activity can be inhibited or retarded by low or high temperatures, the presence of salts or heavy metals such as copper or mercury, dehydration, and radiation. 

Many enzymes are destroyed through being cooked, canned or frozen. However, they can easily be provided by eating some fresh, whole fruits and vegetables every day.

Perhaps this is one reason a diet both high in animal fats and low in fruits and vegetables can increase risks for a variety of illnesses.  When the core of her diet is composed of unprocessed   whole foods, her risk of many illnesses is reduced. Consuming these foods also increases her intake of fiber, which is another factor that promotes hormone balance. 

To summarize: Without real, live vitamins, enzymes, and the minerals liberated by them, the ductless endocrine glands they serve will simply atrophy and cease to function. The easiest way for her to get them, of course, is to eat sufficient real, live, minimally processed whole foods. That’s because these contain the living whole complex vitamins, minerals and enzymes required for a healthy hormonal state.

When she has been unable to do this, for whatever reason, is the time to provide her with supplements in the form of whole foods concentrated to clinical potency.  In this way,  her endocrine system and her entire body can become fully restored to its natural state of vibrancy and good health.  [Affiliate product link] [Your Clickbank link]

Tags: hormones hormone problems. hormone levels normal hormone levels low hormone levels keep hormones balanced diet for hormone balance natural hormone balance


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