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Trace Down These Common Causes

Pamela Levin, R.N.
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Pamela Levin is an R.N., and an award-winning nutritional journalist with 600+ post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. In private practice 46 years, she has worked extensively and effectively with female hormone issues and has shared her expertise with colleagues and lay audiences in 10 countries and four continents.

When you have a headache, good luck with concentrating on anything. Or being creative.  Or even being nice to be around!

Headaches have many causes.  And taking some painkiller addresses - you guessed it - NONE of them.  The best
strategy is to check for these common causes, all of which are within your power to do something about!

1.  Dehydration.  An easy way to tell if this is the issue is to consider how long it's been between visits to the bathroom. If it's been more than 2 hours, drink enough water until you'visits are spaced every hour.

2. Electrolytes. Certain electrolytes hold water inside the cells. When the body needs them, it sends a signal such as craving salt.  Eating something salty can relieve it.

3.Spinal alignment in the neck.  When a neck bone is out of alignment, it stosp the flow of energy and can create a whopper of a headache.  To unblick it, try gentle  rotations of the head through its entire range of motion while not allowing the neck to move.  Be sure to move it forward and back too, not just side to side. This encourages the atlas and axis to realign. If that doesn't work, try moving the neck gently through its range of motion at the base of the shoulders. This encourages the C7 vertebra to pop back in to place. If either of these was the problem and the movements corrected it, the headache will drain away as if by magic.

4. Toxicity.  A clue is if the breath smells bad or if you have a bad taste in the mouth.  In that case, try REAL vitamin C.  The juice of a lemon squeezed in some water is a good source.  (The high dose products marketed as vitamin C are actually made from boiling corn syrup and sulfuric acid together, and the diarrhea that often results from high doses is often not a result of the cleansing action, but rather from the chemicals.)

5. Infection.   In this case herbs that support immune functioning will be of benefit, such as Echinacea, Golden Seal, St. John's Wort, Astragalus, Cat's Claw.

6. Blood Sugar Problems.  Did the headache arrived after eating something sugary, or alternatively, did the headache start  several hours after the last meal, and was it accompanied by  feeling lightheaded and/or shaky?  If so, in the first instance, enough already with sugary stuff (and do the self-test for Candida, which you can find by clicking here and checking item 6.)   In the second instance, eating high protein snacks throughout the day will resolve it.

7.  Food Intolerance or Allergen reaction.  Either one of these can cause histamine to be liberated, creating swelling.  stuffy sinuses,  sneezing and/or  an irritated but non-productive cough. For these symptoms, try herbs such as Chinese Skullcap root, (also called Scutellaria), Albezia bark + Feverfew, which have anti-histaminic and drying effects and reduce  swelling.  Long term, ferret out any food intolerances. This is essential even if reacting to a seasonal allergen such as pollen. Entering pollen season with an immune system already over-busy  with a backload due to food intolerances greatly lowers the threshold where the immune system produces a histamine response.

8.  Cyclical Headaches. If  a woman's headaches follow a pattern related to her cycle timing, her  headaches may be hormonally connected.  The most common of these is low progesterone in relation to estrogen, but before recommending some over-the-counter progesterone cream, she'd be much better off getting a hormonal saliva test.  One reason is because this will show if she's estrogen dominant, - not because her progesterone levels are too low, but because her estrogen levels are too high. In that case, she needs to  start by cleaning her liver (Garlic supplements often help). One caveat however: check to see if she's on any form of pharmaceutical birth control.  If she is, the liver-cleansing protocol you recommend may well cancel out the estrogen-dominant state that prevents her ovulation.

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Tags: Tension headache Cluster headaches Frequent headaches Headaches and nausea Rebound headaches Throbbing headache Stress headache Headache types Natural headache remedies


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