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Spring Clean Your Body -
Here's How to Start

Pamela Levin, R.N.
Copyyright 2016
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Pamela Levin is an R.N., an award-winning nutritional journalist and author with 500+ post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. In private practice 42 years, she has worked extensively and effectively with female hormone issues and has shared her expertise with colleagues and lay audiences in 10 countries and four continents.

Everyone looks forward to spring when there's so much to enjoy -trees leafing out,  blossoms  swaying in the breeze, grass that's green and new. But what if you can't enjoy it because you've  got a case of that notorious spring flu or cold. While others are out relishing the new life emerging from the earth, you're  inside, too listless to get out of bed - cloudy headed, foggy brained, irritable, short-tempered, achy - in short, miserable!

How come this happens to some people as the stress of winter dissipates and gentler times arrive?  Turns out the most those who are most susceptible ones have  a backload of toxins in need of elimination. That's because the human body is like any other part of nature - when cleanup is required, the bugs move in to do the job. It's basic ecology, human style.

One way your body can develop such a toxic burden is through foods that are incompletely digested, and therefore incompletely eliminated. Any food, no matter how pure and wonderful in its original form becomes toxic to your body when incompletely eliminated. For example, picture a lovely ripe banana all ready to eat. Now picture that banana three weeks later, after sitting out in a warm room. That's what happens to any food you can't completely digest Basically, to be blunt, it builds up in your system, turning to rotting garbage. Yuk!

What this means is that the easiest and most effective way to diminish the chances that the bugs will move into your body is to make certain that you've reduced your body's toxic burden. And the best time to carry this out is just prior to each season change. So, here's how to proceed.
First of all, attitude. There's nothing WRONG with your body. You are not inadequate or built wrong. You are simply a person whose body needs some time and support to catch up on that elimination backlog.

Second, pay attention so you recognize signs of toxicity. Here are ten:
     1. Bad breath;
     2. Skin rashes, psoriasis, eczema, boils, acne, moles, age spots and skin tags;
     3. Digestive problems, such as bloating, gassiness and or flatulence;
     4. Constipation, because the liver releases substances that stimulate bowel emptying;
     5. Chemical sensitivities;
     6. Allergies;
     7. Blood sugar issues (the liver helps regulate blood sugar levels) such as getting shaky, weak, grouchy or aggressive  if a meal is delayed, feeling like taking a nap after eating a large meal; waking during the night ;
     8. Cholesterol problems, including high or imbalanced (the liver produces some 80% of total cholesterol)
     9. Blood Abnormalities, especially blood clots (can indicate sluggish liver);
    10. Hormone imbalances, especially estrogen dominance for men, women and children.
Third, keep your liver clean, as it’s your  primary organ of detoxification. It does over 500 different jobs, including cleaning every drop of blood as it pumps through, 24 hours a day 7 days a week for your entire life. Little wonder it gets tired sometimes, and even less surprising that it sometimes needs a little help to get its job done. These times are most likely to occur during the four seasonal transitions in spring, summer, fall and winter, as that's when the body does some seasonal 'housecleaning.'

Fourth, support your liver's detoxification process. When you recognize some of these symptoms in yourself, or even during the couple weeks just prior to the solstices and equinoxes, squeeze the fresh juice of a lemon and drink it to increase your intake of whole food vitamin C.  Also, ask your practitioner for a whole food garlic supplement and instructions for taking it. That will provide your liver with the sulfur it needs to complete both Phase I and Phase II detoxification.

Those two strategies alone may be sufficient. If not, ask your practitioner for a purification program. That way you'll will have professional guidance. After all, if you don't proceed carefully, you could trigger a massive detox reaction, and that can make you really sick. Plus the bugs will have find nothing to do in your body, and pass you by when it comes to that notorious seasonal cold or flu.
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Tags: toxins in the body body toxins body toxin detoxify your body how to detoxify your body how to detoxify your body fatigue causes what causes fatigue tired all the time 


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